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Bashar al-Assad, DEAD OR ALIVE?
Living Prophecy! "Prophecy is God's active voice to the generation of fulfillment"
Audio files of select Sermons and Sonnets
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Bashar al-Assad, DEAD OR ALIVE?
This article combines 7 “future” Prophetic events that we are actively monitoring. The question for us today is, could 2025 be the year for many of these to be fulfilled? You can access links to these individual articles regarding these events from this single article. We will continue to monitor progress and report as appropriate!
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As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die,
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Heard about the Asbury Revival? Well start your own!!!! Start singing this chorus and watch what happens! He is a live!
It is amazing to me how many have questioned the reality of the Asbury Revival. Why are they so quick to pour cold water on a move of God? We know: they fear the power of God!
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Without a doubt this is the pressing question on so many minds these days. Has the Tribulation events of John’s Revelation begun? Events of the day, sound eerily similar to events prophesied, This is puzzling to say the least! Let’s consider what the scriptures tell us to consider before registering an opinion.
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The image I chose to feature in this article reveals the fault-lines of the Mideast. As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. These faults are very active and seismic predictions suggest those faults represented by the color “red” could shift anytime in the near future.
Update! This original article was first published in July of 2022. Since then many earthquakes have occurred in the Middleast. Two of which occurred on 2/6/2023 measuring 7.8 and 7.5 on the Richter scale. Buildings were flattened across Turkey and Syria, causing a death toll of more than 50,000 people.
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How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him…
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I see God bringing the many moral issues of the day to the forefront and He will know how each of us stand on these issues. I see this as a sign that his judgments are forthcoming on our society and we must make known how we stand.
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Our Pioneer ancestors understood how important it was to intercede for one another! To stand in the gap for the protection and needs of others is critical to survival in the wilderness we must challenge.
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If you have ever wondered; What would God’s Prophets say to us today? Listen, you will hear the Ancient of Days speaking afresh from the depths of the earth and across the ages to our present confusion! From Qumran with Love! The Dead Sea Scrolls speak afresh.