By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

As I approach my 74th birthday there is a truth that becomes more relevant to me each time a friend or loved one dies. I contemplate my own mortality and rightfully so.

Hebrews 9:27 tells us “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" 

I have personally felt the grief of having had friends and love ones die recently and as I age this reality becomes more frequent. This is natural, as youth we are less aware of the reality that life is truly short but this will increases as we push the bounds of our own mortality. Odds are you have experienced this as well.

When we experience the loss of a friend or loved one, it is natural to want to comfort the grieving! I get that! What concerns me is the lame responses that I hear repeatedly offered by those who should know better. I hear “well meaning” professed Christians offering what they think are comforting words yet are actually a false hope. Responses that are without biblical support. In doing so, we actually are participating in teaching false doctrines.

I have read too many obituaries that speak of personal accomplishments and glowing personalities but are lacking the one and only true comfort. The only true comfort is, knowing our friends and loved ones knew Jesus as their personal Savior. What I need to hear is, their personal testimony! If they knew Jesus, then I am confident I will see them again. The scriptures are clear that the status of a “believer “ is assured!

2 Corinthians 5:8 ...“to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 

But to offer a condolence such as “they are in a better place now” is without merit if not supported by some witness of their faith in the savior Jesus Christ. If an obituary can be penned that is void of faith in God and his plan of salvation through Jesus Christ then so many words are empty and bring no true comfort. In fact they are a false comfort and promote the false doctrine of “works” not “Grace”.

Good people do not earn salvation, they must profess Jesus as Lord.

Romans 10:10 “confession is made unto salvation”. 

Another condolence I hear offered is the myth that the deceased is now a guardian angel. This is not at all biblically sound. Angels and humans are clearly two distinct creations. No where in the Bible do we find support for such rubbish. As Christians we must only offer biblical principles to give comfort and support our faith. These are clearly examples of false hope and at worst false doctrines. Think of the witness you’re leaving for loved ones that could hinder their own understanding of the plan of salvation. You would be planting a seed of deception not truth!

Another foolish statement is, God needed them in heaven more than they were needed here in the earth. Really?, do you think God is so weak as to “need” man. God created man for His good pleasure! God loves us but to imply he needs us is a real stretch! I am sure you have heard other such foolish statements, I understand the desire to offer condolences but seriously folks, be biblically sound.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth! 

Don’t propagate faulted doctrines! It is good to contemplate one’s relationship with Jesus and to assure that we and our loved ones are secure. These times of grief should be embraced as opportunities to reassess our status and encourage others to do so as well. Look to God for your comfort, not man! We must never offer a false hope that could cause someone to miss the true salvation plan.

Consider your words carefully! Speak truth not myths…

Mat_12:36  But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

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