By Randall E. Pickens, Sr.
Do you endorse barbaric actions against innocents?
Prior to Oct. 7, 2024 the test for antisemitism would likely be a test of ones attitude toward the Holocaust activities of Germany prior to and during WWII. Antisemitism specifically targets the Jewish race hence (Semite) or Hebrew. There are those today that would be called a “Holocaust Denier” and as such they reject the truth of the atrocities of Germany committed on the Jews. Despite the death camps which still stand in testimony against deniers of such atrocities and irrefutable other evidence to the reality of such racial hatred, they refuse to admit the truth.
We like to use the term civilized to describe our advancements in the world societies yet in no way can a society be truly considered civilized and still endorse such barbaric and inhuman behavior. Yes, I am aware that innocents have always suffered during wars but the determining factor is did they suffer by design or just collateral damage. Don’t we love using words and phrases to justify our dastardly deeds. The truth is innocents do suffer unfortunately but if we are truly civilized then every effort will be taken to minimize these events. Certainly any nation determined to be endorsing intended pain on the innocents should clearly be identified as “barbaric” not civilized.
So, here is the bottom line! If you are not willing to “condemn unequivocally” the actions taken by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023 then you are complicit and guilty in the eyes of God of the act yourself! You are a barbarian and without standing in a civilized world. These events reveal ones character for all to see. God is the final judge of individuals and nations;
Choose well…
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