By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

In Jeremiah chapters 50-51 we find horrific prophecies against Babylon. Seven of the nine prophecies were fulfilled in the recent Gulf Wars. Will the remaining two be coming soon?

Not just against the ancient city Babylon, but against “the land of the Chaldeans” (Jer 50:9); it is against the “cities, and… all (the) environs” (Jer 50:32) of the “inhabitants of Chaldea” (Jer 51:24), what today would be the current nation called “Iraq.” This judgment culminates in utter desolation:

“Her cities have become an object of horror, a parched land and a desert, a land in which no man lives…” (Jer 51:43). “Babylon (will be) cut off (to) perpetual desolation” (Jer 51:62).

There are 9 sequential judgments predicted by Jeremiah:

1) The land is invaded by “a great nation and many kings from the remote parts of the earth” (Jer 50:41). (Gulf Wars I and II)

2) It will be “seized” with “great destruction” (Jer 50:22,24). (Shock and Awe!)

3) The arrogant one will be punished (Jer 50:31). (Saddam Hussein hiding in hole and executed).

4) The cities will burn (Jer 50:32). (Gulf Wars)

5) The nations will be exhausted because of the fire (Jer 51:58) and so the nations will say, “We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed; forsake her, and let us each return to his own country” (Jer 51:9). (US and Allies abandon Iraq due to utter exhaustion of blood and treasure and populous distaste for the cause)

6) “The LORD will arouse the spirit of the kings of the Medes (ISIS), because his purpose is against Babylon to destroy it” (Jer 51:11), “Devote all her army to destruction, and they will fall down slain in the land of the Chaldeans” (Jer 51:3-4). (ISIS on the move)

7) “A sword against her treasures, and they will be plundered!” (Jer 50:37). (ISIS destroyed many ancient archeological sites and looted and sold treasures of antiquity)

8) “The sea (will) come up over Babylon; she (will be) engulfed with its tumultuous waves” (Jer 51:42). (Turkey now controls the Tigris and Euphrates River by a network of dams. Turkey could in fact create a flood that would decimate Iraq (Babylon) as well as starve them of water).

9) “I shall dry up her sea and make her fountain dry” (Jer 51:36). (A flood followed by a drought. Again Turkey now possesses the capability to create a flood or drought by controlling the Tigris river.)

“And Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a haunt for jackals, an object of horror and hissing, without inhabitants” (Jer 51:37). (The final disposition of Babylon as a city and nation foretold). (Never to be inhabited again).

We have witnessed the first 7 of these judgments in our day and the final 2 are yet to come but the stage is set for these final judgments.  The environment currently exists.  Turkey could be used to fulfill these last judgments or of course God could initiate them by miraculous intervention.  Woe to Iraq (Babylon)?

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