7 of the 10 were fulfilled in the Gulf Wars; 3 are coming soon… are you watching?

Second Edition

By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

Babylon/Chaldea and current day Iraq

My first article regarding this subject was published on my Facebook Group, What’s Next- Prophecy Review, on August of 2014, titled, 9 Judgments on Babylon. Since this 1st edition I decided to list a 10th judgment. It is possible this last judgment could be associated with both the 8th and the 9th but because it is stated as a final condition, I felt it should be viewed as a separate event or conclusions.

At the time of my 1st edition, we had already witnessed a decade of war with Iraq. The US and Allies would initially punish Iraq for it’s flagrant invasion of neighboring oil rich Kuwait and then again based on a misguided international intelligence belief that Saddam Hussein had or was developing weapons of mass destruction“, thus was an imminent threat to the world in general and more specially the mid-east and pointedly Israel. Unlike traditional wars, we would watch these wars in “real time and would invent phrases to describe the destructive powers of war unleashed as “shock and awe“! The Media had found that coverage of these wars could boost ratings and create political backdrops for their own social and political agendas. A new found audience to exploit and experiment with while developing their social engineering projects of the new millennium.

I saw Jeremiah’s prophecy to Babylon and Chaldea to be synonymous with current day Iraq. I still believe this prophecy is primarily targeting end time Iraq. However, I want to point out the fact that this account in Jeremiah 50/51 also mentions “hints” of prophecies from his contemporaries, Ezekiel and Isaiah from across the triad of empires of the day (Assyria, Babylon, and Persia) that would trouble Israel and Judea during the time of this prophecy as well as during it’s fulfillment in our day. Notice the geopolitical mix of empires during Jeremiah’s day, I call this the Triad of Empire map and I chose it as the backdrop “Featured Image” for this article.

The fulfilled events I saw previously are still associated with current events in Iraq but it is important to note there are unfulfilled events and additional participants from subsequent prophetic events that will coincide in the near future. We see similar references in Ezekiel 38/39, Isaiah 17, and Jeremiah 50/51 to a King of the North and his alliances that are participants. There are three prophecies that we should be monitoring that involve modern day Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. The Triad Map of the prophets of old include these players.

This map represents the “Triad of Empires” that were troubling Israel during the life and times of the early prophets… LOOK FAMILIAR? It should, this is the same footprint of the Ottoman Empire which Turkey’s, Recep Tayyip Erdogan – President of Turkey since 2014, openly calls for to be reinstated! Daniel’s 5th Kingdom!

Notice the similarity to the Ottoman Empire at it’s height in the 1600’s. Erdogan is working hard to see the rise of this empire; this is the 5th kingdom of Daniels prophecy. Rising as we watch….

Now with this in mind let’s revisit the 10 judgements as previously noted but watch for the association with prophecies in Isaiah 17, Ezekiel’s 38/39 war and the knowledge of the triad empires of the prophets day and ours.

There are 10 sequential judgments prophesied by Jeremiah:

1) The land is invaded by “a great nation and many kings from the remote parts of the earth” (Jer 50: 3 and 41). (Gulf Wars I and II)

2) It will be “seized” with “great destruction” (Jer 50:22,24). (Shock and Awe!)

3) The arrogant one will be punished (Jer 50:31). (Saddam Hussein hiding in hole and executed).

4) The cities will burn (Jer 50:32). (Gulf Wars)

5) The nations will be exhausted because of the fire (Jer 51:58) and so the nations will say, “We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed; forsake her, and let us each return to his own country” (Jer 51:9). (US and Allies abandon Iraq due to utter exhaustion of blood and treasure and populous distaste for the cause)

6) “The LORD will arouse the spirit of the kings of the Medes (ISIS), because his purpose is against Babylon to destroy it” (Jer 51:11), “Devote all her army to destruction, and they will fall down slain in the land of the Chaldean’s” (Jer 51:3-4). (ISIS on the move)

7) “A sword against her treasures, and they will be plundered!” (Jer 50:37). (ISIS destroyed many ancient archeological sites and looted and sold treasures of antiquity)

3 Prophecies coming soon…

8) “The sea (will) come up over Babylon; she (will be) engulfed with its tumultuous waves” (Jer 51:42). (Turkey now controls the Tigris and Euphrates River by a network of dams. Turkey could in fact create a flood that would decimate Iraq (Babylon) as well as starve them of water).

Note how Turnkey’s network of Dams could be weaponized to create a flood and then a drought as spoken of in verse 8 & 9! I have always felt Turkey was a prime candidate for the King of the North of Ezekiel 38/39. Controlling the water to the mid-east would be a strong arm tactic to form an alliance out of a dependency as well as broker peace between reluctant participants .

9) “I shall dry up her sea and make her fountain dry” (Jer 51:36). (A flood followed by a drought. Again Turkey now possesses the capability to create a flood or drought by controlling the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.)

10) “And Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a haunt for jackals, an object of horror and hissing, without inhabitants” (Jer 51:37). (The final disposition of Babylon as a city and nation foretold). (Never to be inhabited again).

Now we have witnessed the fulfillment of 1 through 7 of these curses on Iraq (Babylon)?

There are three major prophecies against Syria, Iraq, and Iran that are yet to be fulfilled, however, I believe we may see their fulfillment very SOON! These events would not be required to occur prior to the Rapture so the Church Age saints could see them fulfilled, however, these prophecies would need to occur prior to the 7 year Tribulation / Jacobs Trouble. So, we will continue to monitor these mid-east conflicts and their effect on the end times prophecies. Stay tuned!

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