By Randall Pickens, Sr.

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Current events in the middle east remind me of the old proverb, “a watched pot never boils”. Now we know this is not true but it does represent an attitude that exists when we are anticipating a conclusion that seems to be forever in coming.

Syria is a boiling pot which represents all the major players of the Ezekiel 38/39 war

Syria is a boiling pot which represents all the major players of the Ezekiel 38/39 war. We have been watching the Syrian civil war for years now and witnessing the formation of an alliance that will be required to fulfill the Ezekiel 38/39 prophecy.

I have spoken before about this prophetic war being a harbinger of the end times or rather the tribulation period referenced as Jacobs trouble. It is important that we recognize this event proceeds the 7-year period of tribulation spoken of in John’s revelation. We know this assuredly based on Eze 39:9. We are told that seven years after the defeat of this alliance against Israel they will still be burning the implements of this war. It is clear then that this war must precede the 7-year tribulation by at least seven years. We also see that the leader of this alliance and his followers are killed and buried in northern Israel. A city will be named after him and his followers as a memorial to the miraculous defeat of Israel’s foes. It is also stated in Eze 39:2 that a sixth of this alliance will survive. This allows these same participants to reconstitute and participate in the final finale (Armageddon), which will occur at the close of the tribulation period of John’s revelation, at least 7 years later.

Much of the debate surrounding this Ezekiel War is wasted on trying to identify “Gog” of “Magog”. It is clear that the prophecy intentionally disguises this leader. Vague references to his identity are associated with Japheth the son of Noah but the other participants of the alliance are associated with more recent historic and present enemies of Israel. Israel would not exist for thousands of years after the initial dispersion of Noah’s sons. It would appear an intended veil is placed over the identity of Gog.

So why do we waste so much time trying identify this “Man”. The prophecy tells us clearly that he will be identified by the results of this conflict! What is important about this prophecy is that we recognize the intervention of God on Israel’s behalf! The intent of these events is to show the “world” and Israel that there really is a God in Israel and He keeps his promises! This is another example of the true purpose for prophecy being that of building our faith.

This prophecy marks the beginning of the end time events associated with the salvation of the Jews. We see in Eze 38:23 that the purpose for this event is to show the “Nations” and Israel that God is real and will save those who acknowledge Him. This is a perfect example of how God uses ungodly leaders to accomplish his plans. Gog is being used here as is reminiscent of previous leaders like Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Darius, Caesar, Alexander, etc. People make a serious mistake when they think that the character of leadership whether good or bad can thwart the will of God. As bad as you may think things are today; God’s Will will be done! Regardless of your current beliefs and politics, I assure you, God will fulfill His plan. I hope all who read this will take a moment to consider whether you are helping or hindering God’s plan. Ultimately, the effect of end times prophecies on you will be determined by YOU! Are you friend or foe, will you be saved or crushed because of your rebellious attitude. God through Jesus sacrifice would save ALL, Gentile and Jew.

Jer 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Claiming to be a Christian will ultimately mean little if our ways are contrary to Christ. We should always ask ourselves, what would Jesus do or say. Let me caution you when you speak for Christ! If He calls something an “Abomination”, I would not want to be caught supporting it in any way. Jesus loves the sinner but hates the sin which separates the sinner from His salvation. Jesus does not “tolerate” sin. Jesus identifies sin and provides a way of escape. May I advise you, heed the “escape plan”?

I am still watching the events of the middle east very closely. It is a slow boiling pot which someday soon will usher in the final episode.

Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


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