by Randall Pickens, Sr.

A “word of prophecy” for Gog, a descendant of Noah

The featured image and subsequent images represent the world as known to Noah’s sons and their descendants as they dispersed after the flood. It also reflects their eventual association with the kingdoms as mentioned in the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy. The prophet Ezekiel characterizes the “King of the North” as a leader named Gog coming from the areas populated by Japheth’s descendants (Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Togarmah) to form a federation of kingdoms including Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya from areas populated by Japheth’s descendants and the descendants of his brothers, Shem and Ham. This federation will attack Israel swiftly and without provocation.

God will intervene in Israel’s behalf and make a statement to Israel and the world at large; THERE IS A GOD IN ISRAEL! This is the beginning of the end! God’s fulfilling his promise to graft Israel back into the vine. This is the catalyst event to end the Church Age and the start of the 7 Year Tribulation! The judgements of God!

Some have tried to associate this war described in Ezekiel 38-39 with that of a war between the Assyrian’s and the Maccabees or the finale battle of Daniel’s and John’s prophecies that we commonly refer to as Armageddon. I will prove this Ezekiel War is an entirely unique event from those; one that will occur at least 7 years prior to that of the final battle of Armageddon. The confusion is not merited on the details of this account. Ezekiel gives us numerous clues that will clearly distinguish this conflict from others. I think the only common thread being they share reference to territories and leaders that are historically common enemies of Israel. I do believe this war will be a catalyst event; setting the stage for the end of the Church Age and the beginning of Jacob’s trouble; otherwise refereed to as the “7 Year Tribulation”.

The participants of this war include ancient references to Japheth’s posterity which are named in the Table of Nations of Genesis and Chronicles. These references were made centuries prior to Ezekiel’s prophecy and are associated with descendants not kingdoms. Japheth’s descendants would not identify with any current kingdoms known to Ezekiel’s age or his contemporaries. For this reason, it would appear God was intent on keeping the identity of Gog and his primary base of operation a mystery until the appropriate age. On the other hand, the south and east portions of the federation are identified as kingdoms that were well known to Ezekiel and his contemporaries and modern day Israel.

The time frame for this war is clearly established to be the “latter days” and the alliance of kingdoms could be forming as we speak. All of the major players in our modern day mid-east conflicts are visible as seen in the attached map . This map will be helpful going forward, so keep it handy.

Gog’s Federation …. northern regions of Asia-minor which are associated with the son’s of Japheth; Magog, Meshech, and Tubal. (Turkey)

The King of the North – Gog

Ezekiel 38:1-7 This chapter opens with a vague identification of the the target of this prophecy. A leader called Gog of the northern regions of Asia-minor which are associated with the son’s of Japheth; Magog, Meshech, and Tubal. (Turkey) Ezekiel reveals the motive of this leader to be that of taking spoils; not the hatred that Israel’s enemies have commonly exhibited. Gog will assemble and lead a federation of kingdoms against Israel which will include kingdoms which the prophet specifically names as kingdoms known to be of his and his brothers posterity, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, and Togarmah.

Timing of this event is revealed

Ezekiel 38: 8 This verse reveals the timing for this event as well as a unique environment uncharacteristic of nations and specifically Israel during Ezekiel’s time or antiquity in general. The timing of this event occurrence is to be “latter days” or “end times”. We will see in progressive dialog that this event must occur at least 7 years prior to the final battle of Armageddon. A curious statement is made about the Israelite’s being brought back from the “sword” and from “many” nations to a time and place of refuge and safety. Certainly sounds reminiscent of the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Even the reference to populating the wilderness and mountainous areas. This is a well know technique deployed by Israel post 1948 to establish border communities called kibbutz. These communities are somewhat self sufficient commune type organizations and would be able to function somewhat isolated during emergency situations and foreign threats. This would help secure the borders of Israel from Arab incursion.

Ezekiel 38:9-12 So, these verses tells us that the attack begins and it is described as an all out assault bring to bare all of the might of the federation. These verses give us clues that support the belief that the environment described could only represent a modern day Israel of “unwalled villages” having neither bars our gates; living in relative “peace and safety”. We also see the revelation that these Israelite’s came from nations all around the world. There is no question that these characteristics would not accurately describe Israel of antiquity.

Ezekiel 38:13-16 Verse 13 indicates that three kingdoms question Gog’s motives. We know these kingdoms to be Ethiopia, Arabia, and Britannia. The reference to “young lions” may be a veiled reference to Britannia’s colonial interest. This could be a reference to the United States. I think the value of these references is to establish that Gog’s motives are questioned by peer kingdoms and also that these peer kingdoms are observers and not necessarily participants. I believe this is expected to be the general atmosphere in the end times. Israel will find themselves isolated and this will confirm that their only hope is God’s intervention. This is in fact what we learn from chapter 38 and 39. The World and Israel will acknowledge “THERE IS A GOD IN ISRAEL“! This war will usher in the transition from the church age to the age of Jacob’s trouble.

Ezekiel 38:17-23 For the completion of this chapter God reminds us that this event is associated with other prophecies as well but still reiterates that this is an “end time” event. God also makes it clear that Gog will be crushed by the judgements of God and that the world and Israel will be convinced that this was a Godly intervention.


Chapter 38 can be summarized as describing the who, what, and why of this event. God established the primary motive behind this event. We see that God is entirely in control. God uses the greed of Gog to fuel his invasion of Israel but the true motive is not just another example of Kingdom conquest but rather God is sending a message to the world at large and Israel that there is a God in Israel. The time has come to address UNFINISHED BUSINESS!

As we proceed to chapter 39 we will learn of the specifics of Gog’s demise and we will be given details that clearly identify this event as preceding the Age of Jacobs Trouble or what we refer to as the 7 year tribulation. I believe we will see clearly that this event will be a catalyst event marking the transition from the Church Age to the time of Jacobs Trouble where the Jews will rebuild the Temple and reestablish Judaism and the Temple functions ahead of the evangelical ministry of the two witnesses and the Jewish tribulation Saints acceptance of Jesus as Lord.

Now your ready to checkout Ezekiel 39 Commentary ….

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