by: Randall Pickens, Sr.

Lord plant me by Thy river;
Near Thy flow of love forever.
Let Thy will in me prosper;
That my leaf shall not wither.
But, in all things find favor;
With the God of my Savior.
Lord plant me by Thy river of Love.

Lord grant me thy Holy Spirit;
That when I speak your word, men will hear it.
Let the world see Your power;
Every day Lord, and every hour.
That the blind might see;
And the captives walk free.
Lord grant me Thy Spirit, I pray.

Lord mold me into Thine image;
Fill my heart with love and courage.
Let me feast at Thy table;
That when the time comes, I’ll be able.
To help someone else, who desires like myself;
To be molded into the image of Your Son.

Lord teach me to be a servant;
Let Your love in me burn fervent.
Let Your words become my words;
Let Your deeds become my deeds;
That wherever I may go;
The world will surely know;
That I am a servant of God.

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