By: Alice A. Pickens

I want to share with you an illustration that has stayed with me for many years.  God used this illustration to speak many things to my heart.  I was so thankful; it was an amazing growing time (still is).  God loves to use illustrations because they become such a part of you (you never forget them).

As walking has been a part of my routine for decades, many years ago the Lord began to show me a very crystal-clear message of how the Holy Spirit works with us.  One day while I was walking with our dog Hershey, a chocolate Lab (sometimes our tuxedo cat Sylvia came too).  I started seeing broken pieces of glass in the woods on this rental property where we lived.  My first thought was concern for Hershey’s feet.  So, I started picking up the broken glass every time I saw some and placed it at the base of the trees so she wouldn’t step on them. Continue Reading

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