By: Alice A. Pickens
I want to share with you an illustration that has stayed with me for many years. God used this illustration to speak many things to my heart. I was so thankful; it was an amazing growing time (still is). God loves to use illustrations because they become such a part of you (you never forget them).
As walking has been a part of my routine for decades, many years ago the Lord began to show me a very crystal-clear message of how the Holy Spirit works with us. One day while I was walking with our dog Hershey, a chocolate Lab (sometimes our tuxedo cat Sylvia came too). I started seeing broken pieces of glass in the woods on this rental property where we lived. My first thought was concern for Hershey’s feet. So, I started picking up the broken glass every time I saw some and placed it at the base of the trees so she wouldn’t step on them. Continue Reading
When I thought I had removed all the broken glass, it would rain, exposing more. This was when the Lord starting speaking to me. He said these broken pieces of glass are like sin. The Holy Spirit is like the rain. When there was a gentle rain; just an occasional piece of glass would be exposed. But if there were downpours or several downpours, I would find much more. As the rains came it would wash the soil down to the glass exposing it. When the Holy Spirit is free to speak in our lives, He can reveal to us the things that need to change. When God’s presence is strong (a saturating), He has great influence upon us. The Word of God is referenced in John 15 to wash/purge us. The Holy Spirit and the Word are always working together. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth; the Words of God. The Word of God convicts us in conjunction with the Spirit; the TRUTH will set you free!
John 15:1-3 (KJV) 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
When the Holy Spirit is not allowed to work in our lives, we just keep doing the same things over and over again; we are complacent in our attitudes. The Holy Spirit is the one who does the work…our part is to avail ourselves to Him. He speaks mostly to us through the Word of God. But, also in our prayer times and meetings where the presence of the Lord is. Spending an abundance of quality time with the Lord is like a deluge working, washing & exposing the things in our life going deeper and deeper. He can speak into our hearts showing us the truth & condition of our hearts. If we are just spending a trickle of time with the Lord, not much is going to get exposed. The reason a saturating of the Spirit can be so much more effective is it allows our minds to be quiet and focused without all the distractions of the world. WE CAN HEAR & SEE MUCH MORE CLEARLY! That is why spiritual sabbaticals are so good for busy people. As Jeremiah says, the heart is deceitful. We can easily convince ourselves that we are okay and even think we are better than most.
Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
One of the main points God brought to my attention during these walks, is that I had to always kept looking for the glass even though I walked it daily. If I am not looking, I will miss them, especially the small pieces. Only when there is an extended drought was it futile to be looking constantly. I also had to be diligent to pick them up right away or they could be forgotten. The same is true of our sin. If we are not continually seeking the Lord and asking Him to show us, availing ourselves to the washing of the Word, we will be stuck in the mud so to speak just like the glass. We need to deal with them as He shows them to us (we are forgetful people). Just like the small pieces of glass the little (so called) sins can be the most destructive and hidden. They can go deep, fester, and become deadly. We must always remain teachable and be looking to change no matter how long we live upon this earth. We cannot please God if we are complacent in our transformation.
What was interesting when we moved to a new home, I had forgotten about this illustration because the new yard was small and there wasn’t any glass. Then we had to move again a year later (both rental homes sold). This next home had a nice large yard that I again was able to walk in…I starting seeing broken glass again left from construction. It only took the seeing of the first piece of glass to bring the Lord’s illustration back to me. So, this continued for several years. God kept showing me how the different size pieces of glass would get uncovered. He never let me stop looking. Another main point is that the sun shining would reflect the glass so I could see even the tiniest piece of glass. (The glorious light of the gospel is so amazing)! I was so amazed at the pieces of glass that would be uncovered after heavy downpours of rain. Sometimes as I started digging up the piece of glass, it would get bigger & bigger; a substantial piece of glass would be uncovered. We too can be amazed at the things God shows us; embarrassed too. But, everyone one of us have things that need to change and always will. We must remain humble and teachable always! Our heart needs to stay focused on going forward allowing transformation to take place, which we all so desperately need. The Holy Spirit does the work…we cooperate with Him. He intercedes for us continually…for we need His help continually!
2 Chronicles 16:9 (KJV) 9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
(A perfect heart is a loyal heart that is not divided)
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