How appropriate are these words of prophecy for the nations today?

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If you have ever wondered; What would God’s Prophets say to us today? Listen, you will hear the Ancient of Days speaking afresh from the depths of the earth and across the ages to our present confusion! From Qumran with Love! The Dead Sea Scrolls speak afresh.

The Rapture – At the “LAST TRUMP”

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In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump! A familiar phrase and yet maybe not so clearly understood… Are you ready?

The Judgment of Elam (Iran)

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So, the four looming questions for God are; 1. Is the judgment of Elam on the horizon? 2. Will God break the “bow” of Elam? 3. Will God scatter refugees throughout the world? 4. Will God set His thrown in Elam? COUNT ON IT! God has unfinished business!

The Riddle – The Judgment of the 8 Kingdoms of this earth!


I consider this vision to be one of the most intriguing of John’s many visions.  This vision is the epitome (perfect example) of the message of Isa 46:10 where God tells the prophet Isaiah that He is “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done”. It also is the most inclusive in that it is the summation of all the ages from Genesis to Revelation.

From Shittim to Jericho

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Joshua Chapter 2 speaks of fulfilling Abraham’s covenant to Israel but it also reveals the new covenant with “YOU”… though the faith of Rehab!

Ezekiel’s War – Part I – Ezekiel 38 Commentary

This chapter opens with a vague identification of the the target of this prophecy. A leader called Gog of the northern regions of Asia-minor which are associated with the son’s of Japheth; Magog, Meshech, and Tubal. (Turkey) Ezekiel reveals the motive of this leader …

A Watched Pot Never Boils!

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Syria is a boiling pot which represents all the major players of the Ezekiel 38/39 war.

Purim – Esther “Something Hidden”


This year! PURIM March 23/24, 2024 “Unmasking a Mystery “.

I will approach this review by analyzing each of the individual character’s; their personal characteristics and how this story reveals a prophetic significance.

The evil Haman’s plot would backfire and be turned on him and Israels enemies! Could history repeat SOON? How about 2024!