By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

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There are several accounts in the bible that confirm the concept of “anointed numerical powers” regarding intercession and divine authority.  We see numerous examples where God interceded for the Israelite’s in the time of Joshua (Jos 23:10) and Gideon (Judges 6-7).  We also see this concept employed against the “disobedient” Israelite’s where their enemies were allowed divine authority to enforce God’s judgements in punishment of Israel. (Deut 32:30)    These are examples of how a few anointed and empowered of God can conquer what might appear to be a superior force.  The phrase “one can put a thousand to flight” is a common theme throughout the scriptures, and the extreme case then being “and two put ten thousand to flight”!  We see that this is God’s way of assuring we recognize His anointing is required and that we are not to try and take credit for His miraculous intervention!    

Recently I was reminded of the importance of the concept of numerical powers and intercessory prayer”.  I was in the hospital following a serious AAA surgery (abdominal aortic aneurysm) and during my recovery, I experienced a “code blue” event.  To make things worse, I was isolated in my room and I could not reach my call button.  My nurse had removed it from my grasp during treatment and failed to return it after having completed her duties.  I could not call for help and even if I could the nurse had pulled the door shut; no one could hear me calling.  It was clear that I was in serious trouble and without intervention, I would likely perish.  Now this would normally have caused a panic but instead I felt an extreme peace come over me and then I had a vision of 70 people interceding for me!  I also saw a vision of the hand and foot piercings of Christ and the Cross.  These visions convinced me, I would be just fine and I was!  The event had been caused by the interaction of two medications.   My blood pressure hit a critical low.  Had they not intervened; I would have perished.  Now it is important that I share the events that led up to my emergency event and it will become clear there is “more than meets the eye” to this story; as goes the idiom!

Just prior to my emergency, I heard a “code blue” announcement over the public address system.  My door was open at this point and I could see the members of the emergency response team scurrying about to answer the call to the patient’s room number.  As I viewed the activities, I saw a vision which was very unsettling.  It appeared as a funnel cloud rising from the nursing station counter that resembled a swarm of flies that reached to the ceiling.  I knew I was being allowed to see the demonic horde that were attacking this “code blue” patient.  I started interceding for this patient and continued until I felt at peace.  It wasn’t until the next day that I learned the patient was an infant on the same floor but in a special wing for pediatrics.  The “code blue” call could be heard on the entire floor because the emergency response team were members that were assembled from other areas of that floor as well.  The good news is, this child survived!   Now for how these events are associated.  I am convinced that my emergency came as a result of my interceding for this child.  When we stand in the gap for others we may be targeted as well.  Don’t you know Satan gets very angry at our intervention.  We need to be aware that he might strike out at us.  This is why we are warned in Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  This brings me to the other lesson to be learned.  Remember, I was allowed to see that 70 people were interceding for me.  This is where I thought of the concept of “anointed numerical powers” introduced in Deuteronomy 32:30. “one can put a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight”.  If two could put ten thousand to flight then just how many were 70 empowered to put to flight?  WOW!  Consider this… , 2 to the power of 70 is (1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424) Septillion!  I can’t begin to comprehend this “anointed exponential power” but what a blessing to have been allowed to see this vision of forces empowered for me!  

Eph 6:11-18  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; 

Satan is a worthy adversary!  We cannot hope to overcome his attacks without the presence of Jesus the Christ to counter his attacks.  This reveals a very important function of the Church of Jesus Christ! Intercession!


Now I would like you to consider the times we live in and how desperate Satan is to limit this “anointed numerical power” of intercession.  We have witnessed attacks on Christianity in society as a whole and attempts to silence the word of God in public.  Even in our politics we see the emphasis placed on diversity and race but the truth is the real point is to isolate us into groups that can then be pitted against each other.  The recent pandemic has isolated the vaccinated vs non-vaccinated and the masked vs unmasked.  The power of division vs unity.  Unity is a rare thing today!  As I pondered this, I thought of our ancestors who pioneered the wildernesses and by uniting tamed the wiles!  No one in their right mind would have challenged the wilderness alone.  Our pioneer families knew this reality! 

Recently, NBC launched a new series called “1883” that is based on this reality regarding those pioneers who forged the way West to Oregon.  This series is pretty ugly and raw and not for the weak of heart.  Many try to romanticize the challenges and risks of challenging a wilderness and the elements.  IT WASN’T PRETTY!  This is why I chose the image of “circle the wagons”!  This image exhibits the concept of “numerical powers” and unity.  I wish our Church members would contemplate what is happening before their eyes.  Satan has isolated many from the “divine anointed numerical powers” of intercession and the body of Christ.  Satan is watching for opportunities to separate us from the pack (Church) and negating the power and protection of intercessory prayer.  If you are not associated with a Church body then you are extremely vulnerable!  Easy “pickings”!  1Pe_5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he “may” devour:

The key word in this statement is “may”.  The point being some are more vulnerable than others.  If you don’t know the power of intercession then you have been successfully isolated and separated from the pack!  You are on your own!  That is a scary reality.  We are called to be part of this anointed force as well as recipients, this is what troubles me when I hear people say “I don’t have to go to Church”.  That is very true, but they obviously don’t understand the concept of intercession or unity.  It is selfish to only consider what you personally gain from Church attendance; we are all supposed to give of ourselves to one another.  You are intended to be numbered in the anointed response to the needs of others.  I hope you will hear the call to “CIRCLE THE WAGONS”!          

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