By Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

Well, we have closed the book on 2023 and now we look forward to the prospects of 2024. Prophecy tells us that we are truly approaching the “time of the end” and the second coming of Jesus the Christ.

Seeds of Faith Ministries is committed to raising the awareness of these prophetic truths and the purpose of prophecy, to build our faith and expectation! I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in this effort and I pray each of you will do your part in 2024 to spread this message of hope! I would remind you all of a phrase I introduced that has become a “mantra” here at Seeds of Faith Ministries.


Viewing the statistics of our blog page is encouraging; over 63,000 people have read our articles since our launch date. Now, for some blog pages this would not be that impressive but for a country preacher like myself it is certainly more than I could ever have hoped to reach from the pulpit. The technology of the day makes it possible to reach the once unreachable. The bible itself in large part being a collection of letters of correspondence between the apostles and the early church. The inspired words!

It is interesting that aside from the U.S. the leading countries accessing out site are Russia, Ukraine, China, and European countries that are in the heat of global conflicts. People of these regions are seeking answers and prophecy is providing these answers.

We will continue to reach out and pray for the fulfillment of these prophecies! Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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