By: Randaall E. Pickens, Sr.

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It excites me to know that God had made provision for you and I from the beginning of time. He used the Israelite’s to prove this to the world at large… He used Rahab to present a “new Covenant” to us all!

Joshua Chapter 2 speaks of fulfilling Abraham’s covenant to Israel and also reveals the new covenant with “YOU”…

The attached (audio) sermon originally was part of a series called “God of Precedence”. This session is titled, “From Shittim to Jericho”. I will explore the prophetic nature of this historic account of the Israelite’s crossing of the Jordon river and the conquest of Jericho. We will explore the embedded symbolism’s to the coming New Covenant of Jesus Christ while fulfilling the Abrahamic Promised Land prophecy. We will explore the depth of meanings of specific Hebrew names and words that will tell the subtle story of these two covenants. It is so exciting to learn that God made provision for you and I from the beginning of time and used the Israelite’s and a Canaanite prostitute to prove this to the world. While fulling the Abrahamic covenant to the Israelite’s, He is introducing the “New Covenant” through the faith of Rahab that includes YOU and I! She negotiates a covenant that secures the way of the salvation for her family as well as the Gentiles as a whole. She is now numbered among the patriarchs and matriarchs of the “Faith” Hall of Fame forever! (Hebrews 11) as well as the lineage of Jesus the Christ the mediator of that New Covenant! This is a powerful message; maybe the best 42 minutes you’ll spend for some time to come…. It is exciting to learn that God had planned for your redemption since the need first occurred. Now, Recorded for your convenience;

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