By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

I was recently asked to share a favorite sermon synopsis that has been particularly helpful to me. This is my response. The story of Gideon is one of many that I can certainly relate to and has comforted me and emboldened me in times when I felt spiritually or physically inadequate for the task or situation at hand. My mind immediately took me to Judges chapter 6. God opens with a summation of the condition and cause of Israel’s plight. Jdg 6:1-10. They were being troubled by their enemies and the cause was “disobedience”!

The next four verses 11-14 gets more personal. The messenger of the Lord comes to Gideon who is “hiding” by cover of a “winepress” from his enemies. The angel informs Gideon of his calling, “the Lord is with thee” and addresses him as “a mighty man of valor”. Gideon recognizes the irony of this statement that finds him cowering in fear and doubt. Gideon’s immediate response is to question; really? If so, then why? This is the “terrible duo” phrase that so many of us are very familiar with! It is the response we hear so frequently when called or reminded of a truth that God would have us act on, in faith and not doubt! This is where the story becomes really personal! I can relate to Gideon. I can list all the reasons for my doubt as he did in verse 13. If so? Where then is the proof? Why then has this happened?

Then comes the sobering truth! Verse 14, GOD SAYS; GO IN THY MIGHT, AND I WILL SAVE YOU FROM YOUR ENEMY. HAVE I NOT SAID! Now, talk about summation! This is the sum of it; hath God not said, will He not do?

At some point in our lives and probably more often than not, we find ourselves having this discussion with the Lord. After we whine and cry a little and give place to the doubts that created the situation in the first place, we hopefully come to the truth of God’s word! Rom 4:17 …God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Gideon’s name means “feller” as in cutting down a tree. Gideon was called to bring down the enemies that troubled him and his people. This is no less the call of God to each of us as well. Remember, The battle is the Lord’s! Before you answer the next question;


What is the purpose of your life? What has God called you you to do? What is your excuse? When will you surrender? When will you go…? God bless

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