Analyzing the participants of the Ezekiel 38/39 war!
By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.
The TABLE OF NATIONS; Gen. 10 describes the diaspora (dispersal) of Noah’s descendants!
It can be very confusing when researching the table of nations. The migration of mankind “over time“; especially in relation to the names of peoples and places long since referenced in modern discussions other than scriptural history and prophecy. You can virtually find maps representing differing interpretive opinions from across the ages that can be used to support any of the many theories and numerous conflicting opinions.
I have attached an image that I believe to be accurate and will help to understand my point for this article. Imagine for a moment a pebble dropped into a pool and watching the ripples expand as time progresses. This reality applies to the nations associated with the diaspora of the sons of Noah (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) and their descendants. The point here is, all of the the nations of this world can claim an association with at least one of these sons eventually, it just depends on how long the ripple is tracked and obviously the ripples will eventually reach to far regions from the original point of disbursement.
Imagine for a moment a pebble dropped into a pool and watching the ripples expand as time progresses. This reality applies to the nations associated with the diaspora of the sons of Noah (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) and their descendants.
This accounts for the differing opinions conveyed by various interpretations of prophecy where the posterity of Noah is mentioned. Case in point, the Ezekiel’s 38/39 prophecy references Magog, Meshech, and Tubal. There are those who would try to associate Magog, Mechech, and Tubal (a man and leader “named or titled” Gog) with modern day Russia. If you allow them to pick and chose the degree of advancement of the ripple then sure enough, eventually you might find some justifications but as with any prophecy we are required to look at the whole of what is said and not just one point. We need to consider the time of the Prophet and what would these references mean to him.
I am sure, I will not dissuade the die hard advocate for Russia being the homeland of Gog. However, for any reasonable interpreter, I offer this consideration. God didn’t want to identify this King of the North at the time of Ezekiel’s prophecy. The attempt to identify this king and his federation has and will be debated until it no longer matters. I actually feel sorry for those who will come to know the true identity of this king. Chapter 39 reveals that this conflict will result in the destruction of this king and his federation and will usher in the close of or very near the time frame of the “End of the Church Age” and the beginning of the time of “Jacob’s Trouble”. Now for the point of this article; Do we Christians really care?
I don’t! I personally don’t need to know the identity of this king! I already know there is a God in Israel and I am watching for the second coming of the Lord! I hope no one reading this article will come to know the identity of this king! If so, then you are likely destined to suffer the judgements of the seven years of tribulation and have missed the opportunity of escape (rapture).
That being said, I encourage you to read Eze. 39:9-16 and pay specific attention to the details of the demise of this King of the North and his federation! See what is said of the participants of this war:
- Gog (is a man who is a leader and is a prince or named Gog) and his federation will fall in the mountains of Israel (at the intervention of God not man).
- God will rain fire on Gog’s homeland, Magog and the homelands of his federation.
- The implements of this war will burn for 7 years! This revelation is key to identifying the timing to be at least 7years prior to the Second Coming of Christ and the finale at Armageddon where the Church Saints and Tribulation Saints will accompany Jesus.
- Gog and the federations casualties will continue to be buried in northern Israel 7 months following the defeat of the federation, the valley to be named Hamongog! (multitude of Gog)
- A day of Memorial Day will be established to celibate his demise!
- A city will be named to commemorate his defeat!
- The ravenous fowls will pick the flesh of his fallen soldiers prior to their burial.
Now, if you will allow the scriptures to interrupt themselves, you must see that this King of the North and his federation participate in a war which occurs prior to the Second Coming of Christ so this war can’t be associated with the Anti-Christ Beast or false Prophet of the 7 Year Tribulation and finale at Armageddon. None of the characteristics of Gog’s demise match with that of John’s revelation of the demise of the Anti-Christ or Beast and False Prophet! So it is clear that these are two distinctly different events.
Now to the question of whether the King of the North (Gog) is from Russia or not? The truth is, there is no definitive proof in this prophecy or any other to confirm or refute! We as interpreters do our readers a disservice if we push a narrative that at best is a guess or an opinion as apposed to sound doctrine. The details offered by the Spirit of God to the Prophet Ezekiel, I can trust to have been stated clearly and must be accepted. If information is lacking, it is “lacking for a reason“! The King of the North could be from any modern day nation that is north of present day Israel. God’s use of the reference to Noah’s descendants dates 2000+ years prior to the time of Ezekiel and the Israeli exile to Babylon. It was intentionally a vague reference! We know what God wants us to know! Beware of those who claim to know more!
This is a good example of a map that is used often when this subject is discussed. As you can see modern day Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Russia are potential candidates; take your pick! I personally would pick Turkey over Russia. see my Commentaries on Ezekiel for my reasoning.
As watchers, these prophecies were intended to inform us of the approaching events that will proceed the end of the age and the judgments of Satan, his Fallen Angels, and the kingdoms of this earth filled with the children of disobedience. We should see these as signs and be motivated to do the work of an evangelist while time still permits!
I believe God has given us all the information we need to be convinced of this and act accordingly! We need to be, ABOUT THE FATHERS BUSINESS and quit quibbling about opinions as to who the King of the North or the Anti-Christ is and be thankful we weren’t intended to know! The important message in all of this is, we serve a FAITHFUL GOD who has and will DO WHAT HE SAID! I trust Him emphatically! I really don’t care who Gog is or where he comes from! I care that GOD IS IN CONTROL!
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