by: Randall Pickens, Sr.

Since the beginning of time;
Man has tried to find;
Someway by which to measure;
Some gauge for Gods stature.
Well, how big is God to you?

How big is God to you?
What would you have Him to do?
Is He five foot nine;
Or is He bigger than time?
How big is God to you?

Some say that in a vision they’ve seen;
The very image of His being.
Now before your mind would wonder;
Won’t you let your heart ponder?
How big is God to you?

How big is God to you?
What would you have Him to do?
Will you let the world’s perception;
Order your profession?
How big is God to you?

Some say they’ve seen Him as a man;
Some say the worlds are in His hands.
Well, the truth is quite plain;
He’s just as big as you claim.
So, how big is God to you?

How big is God to you?
What would you expect your eyes to view?
Would He be big enough to matter;
Or just a superstitious matter?
How big is God to you?

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