By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

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We are reminded daily of how our governments and specific leadership have failed us. We want them held accountable! We “blame” them for the woes of our society. I have been as guilty as anyone for calling for our leadership to be held accountable. However, in my meditations; I have been reminded that as God will judge the nations and leadership for their behavior, He will judge each of us individually. We can see numerous examples of God challenging “all” the people collectively and individually to state our position. So, how long halt ye, is the question He puts to us all! Just where do you stand? We see examples of this throughout time in His dealings with mankind in the days of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Elijah, and Pilate and yes; in our day…

I will be looking at the account in the book of 1 Kings 18 regarding the Prophet Elijah’s challenging of the Prophets of Baal and the Israelite’s. The title of this article came straight from the text of this account of the challenge between Elijah and Israel’s King Ahab, Jezebels prophets of Baal, and more importantly the people of Israel collectively and individually. Not only can we find practical principle for our present times but I will reveal a subtitle reference to end times prophecy.

You may recall this story as the great challenge presented by Elijah to the prophets of Baal, however I will rather focus today on the individual and collective challenge rather than Ahab, Jezebel, or the prophets who represented the government and religious systems of the day. God dealt with them for sure but I want to focus on the fact that God always brings His appeal to the individual. We can’t hide behind or excuse societies woes to that of a corrupt leadership; especially when we placed these leaders over us. Israel demanded a King and we have chosen our leadership! So, “YOU ASK FOR IT, YOU GOT IT”. It is clear that God holds us individually responsible for our choices.

Let’s look at these verses 1KI 18:19-21. First, we see Elijah telling Ahab to “call an assembly” of the prophets of Baal, prophets of the groves, and “ALL” Israelite’s to present His challenge. This assembly gathered at Mt. Carmel a site that is known to have represented a “Holy” site to both Judaism and Baal in the time of Elijah and to Islam in medieval times. In the time of Elijah this location was evidence of polytheism. There are some key Hebrew words that are critical to understanding the environment during this challenge. The Hebrew word “paw-sakh’” (halt) meant to hop and then ‛al which meant (above or over). The point being, the Israelite’s had not entirely ceased from their Jewish practices but were hopping back and forth between the two or more thus, polytheism. Verse 24 further qualifies this with reference to “gods” plural. Verse 21 tells us that the people answered “NOT”. They were SILENT. Later as a result of the outcome of the challenge they would acknowledge Jehovah and His sacrifice once again as the only true God but over time would wane again and again.

Now for the prophetic aspects of this account. Most will recall the challenge called for the prophets to prepare a bullock and “lay on wood”. This statement in Hebrew words “śûm ‛al ‛êts” means (put upon a tree). The prophets of Baal were told to cut their sacrifice in pieces but Elijah said he would “dress” his sacrifice (appoint or bestow). Elijah “rebuilt” the alter with 12 stones representing the tribes of Israel which is proof of this location, Mt. Carmel being a previous Jewish Holy place. We then see Elijah calling for the alter to be saturated with water 3 times. Water is symbolic of life and fire of the Spirit. This may well be in reference to the 3 Temple periods. Solomon’s, Zerubbabel’s, and finally Ezekiel’s end time Temple referenced in Eze 40. Certainly the motive revealed here as in Ezekiel being “they will know there is a God in Israel” is consistent. The sacrifice was consumed at the time of the “evening” sacrifice. The 9th hour being the time of Christ sacrifice. The Israelite’s acknowledged Jehovah and the sacrifice offered as proof of His renewed covenant. The prophets of Baal are then taken down to the Kishon River in the Jezreel Valley and totally destroyed. The root word in Kishon means “trap” and is located in the Jezreel Valley the future location of the final battle at Armageddon.

Now, whether you can see the prophetic significance of this account or not; the message of personal accountability is clear! We cannot blame our government or religious leaders for our “halt between two opinions”!  WE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR DECISIONS! Jos 24:15 choose you this day whom ye will serve; or HOW LONG HALT YE?


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