By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

It is high time the true Church of Jesus Christ speaks out regarding the so called “WOKE” The simple message is “NO”, we will not bow to your stupidity and rebellion. We know what is “GOOD” and “ACCEPTABLE” before GOD! So “GET OVER IT! My response to the so called “WOKE” communities and societies;

Was God Bragging? No! God wants us to know that everything He created has a intended purpose. To be FUNCTIONAL!

FUNCTIONAL: (masc.: טוב / tov) (fem.: טובה / to’vah) Fulfilling the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used, or for which a thing exists. A functioning within its intended purpose. Strong’s: #2896, #2898

Functional vs Dysfunctional

In the first chapter of Genesis we find a phrase that answers so many controversial questions that have plagued societies from the beginning to present day.  I know this will be a controversial subject but this debate is long overdue.  The Christian perspective has been characterized as dogma and insensitive.  Often the opposition and even some misguided shallow Christians consider this to be an example of “legalism” , or not founded in reality. 

So, what is this phase that holds the key to understanding God’s intentions for creation?  The phase is, it was good.  We find this phase following each event of creation.  God created and then said “it was good”.  Now, if you were to apply the general English interpretation of the word “good” this sounds like God is bragging!  God is not a braggart, so there must be a deeper meaning.  The Torah, Mechanical Bible, by Jeff A. Benner and the Strong’s Concordance interprets this Hebrew word to be “functional”.  When you apply this meaning to the English word “good” it really clarifies what was implied and sets a standard for proper discernment for evaluating whether something is good or evil or functional vs dysfunctional

Now for the controversial application of this interpretation.  Yes, I will weigh in on the subject of homosexual behavior and the attempt to force society to accept this behavior as normal or functional.  The so-called LGBTQ communities want to paint Christians as being intolerant.  The truth is, the Christian community has shown more tolerance than they have.  We have not called for the LGBTQ community to convert or die as does Islam.  We merely reserve the right to discern the issue based on God’s definition of functional vs dysfunctional.  We reserve the right to teach our children God’s intentions and what is His expectation of functional human behavior.  I DO “NOT” HAVE TO ACCEPT SOCIETIES DEFINITION any more than do they have to accept the Christian definition.  However, they don’t get to change the definition that has been a reality for 6,000 years. It is a biological fact of PROCREATION (plant or animal). When Adam and Steve or Amy and Eve can procreate, then and only then would I consider their arguments.  Science loves to try to counter religion with their twisted theory’s but when biology challenges their “identity politics” they become silent. Man’s “it is good” doesn’t trump God’s! This is not a trivial issue, it is a fundamental reality that we all rely on for life to exist in this world.

If the LGBTQ community chooses to defy God and this biological reality that is their sinful prerogative; I am willing to leave it to be judged by God in time.  However, this does explain why they are trying so desperately to indoctrinate others, especially your children.  You see, this is their only means of procreation; calling dysfunctional behavior functional.

This approach to evaluating behavior based on whether it is functional or dysfunction can be easily applied to many of the social ills.  It’s not difficult to identity DYSFUNCTION!

             Isa 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

As a Christian, I am obligated to reject the so called “WOKE” position on what is functional vs dysfunctional. To me, WOKE means, those who “WILL ONLY KNOW EVIL”.

I stand with God!

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