By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

Eze 33:11  Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die,

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The social cultural wars of the day are intended to pit groups against each other and they have succeeded! In doing so, we find hate promoted and division encouraged. This is truly unfortunate, true Christians will share the heart of God for the wicked and sincerely take “NO PLEASURE IN THEIR DESTRUCTION“. We call for and are hopeful they will repent and be forgiven of their sins. The question of Eze 33:11 is so clear; why will you die? They will die of their own brazen rebellion. They raise the clinched fist of defiance to God. How can they be so foolish?

God has provided the remedy for their sin! Jesus died, rose, and is seated at the right hand of God interceding for those who have repented of their sins. Jesus is coming back for us soon!

Now, for those of you who would accuse Christians of hating the sinner, let it forever be settled that we want salvation for the sinner! We hate the “SIN” that separates the sinful man from his loving God. We do not choose death for the defiant sinner, they make that choice themselves! You must be convinced of sin and it’s penalty to seek the remedy! We want you to find the salvation of God through Jesus the Christ. Don’t blame God or man for your decedent nature! You own that by your defiance.

The big mistake the defiant make is when they go after our children! Let me assure you in doing so they will see the wrath of God and man! It is one thing for them to be foolish in their own behavior but WOE UNTO THOSE WHO WOULD HARM INNOCENT BLOOD!

Paul gave us what you may have heard called the “Romans Road To Salvation” in many circles. I have attached a link to this teaching, you will note that unless the sinner is convinced of sin then there is little hope for a remedy.


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