By Randall E. Pickens Sr.

A curious statement this phrase, “let us observe a moment of silence”.

Does anyone really believe this practice brings solace?

Does it appeal to a higher power or is it just a trivial practice? 

If silence could bring solace; then should we remain ever in silence?

To whom might a moment of silence “in disguise” be perceived as communication?

If no sound be made, who shall answer this absence of petition?

Silence can’t identify the source that could actually bring comfort or compassion.

For in silence, we do not address the issue or any expectation of consolation.

Truly a curious statement this phrase, “let us observe a moment of silence”.

I think it counterproductive, empty and without any true potential for condolence.

I certainly would not be moved by silence; I might rather seek an explanation;

For this curious state of silence; what does it mean or hope to accomplish?

Truly a curious statement this phrase, “let us observe a moment of silence”.

I think it’s core intention is to merely avoid the slightest hint of controversy.

And in this, I believe all must agree that in this moment of silence;

Nothing is truly accomplished and so then this is why few could dare find it offensive.

I’ll make no accommodation of this call, “let us observe a moment of silence”.

I will not observe such a moment of silence and at risk of controversy, I make known my petition.

I will call on God in the name of Jesus, who shall hear and will answer my supplications.

It is with serious contemplation; I reject such a call to silent reflection or meditation!

I will give voice to my lamentations and supplications!

Philippians 4:6

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