By Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

While attentions are focused on the Russia/Ukraine war, I am personally watching for the King of the North or more precisely, Gog of Magog to make a move against Israel. I must point out that the phrase “King of the North” is scriptural inaccurate and should be termed “Gog“. Gog is characterized as an opportunist by the phrase in Eze 38:4 … “with hooks in his jaws” or in other words; to be tempted and drawn in by opportunity. If you have read my Ezekiel commentary then you know, I don’t believe Russia is the source of the mystery “Gog” or rather, I should say Gog/Magog. Remember the actual phrase, “King of the North” is taken from Daniel chapter 11, ONLY! Daniel doesn’t speak of this event in Ezekiel but rather John’s Revelation or the anti-Christ.

Ezekiel references Gog/Magog as proper nouns, then the only reference to north is in regard to the direction of the invasion, from the north quarter or north parts. The phrase “King of the North” is an invention or title that has more recently been associated with modern day commentary discussions and has led to some confusion between the man Gog of Ezekiel and the man Antichrist of John’s Revelation which are two very distinctly different men and events. There are several reasons for why I don’t believe Gog or Magog is Russian which I will not go into here, but may I suggest you read my commentary on Ezekiel 38/39 for line by line analysis. There is a preponderance of proofs that distinguish these two characters and unique prophetic events.

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This news flash is intended to bring attention to the fact that the corrupt news media and nations of the world propaganda is void of the reality that the Ottoman and Persian empires of old are poised to reemerge and potentially fulfill the Ezekiel 38/39 prophecy of the “Gog/Magog” and Isa 17:1 where Isaiah prophesied Damascus will be totally destroyed never to be inhabited again. We know this is a future event because Damascus is one of the most ancient cities in history and has been continually inhabited since it’s founding.

One point I would make regarding the current day Russian aggression; Russia’s military although clearly judged to be superior to Ukraine’s is ill prepared to fight a European and Middle East multi-front war! Even though the Ukraine is not thought to have much hope of defeating the Bear they have seriously wounded the Bear physically and economically. Russia’s aggression will no doubt discourage Europeans from oil or gas dependency on Russia. Russia has misjudged the timing and geopolitical merit in such aggression. What good is a pipeline from Russia to Europe if you don’t have customers. Europe will no doubt be looking for alternatives and guess what, Turkey and Israel may well be able to step up which will no doubt anger Russia. I heard Turkey offered to arbitrate between Russia and Ukraine. How convenient. Israel stands to benefit from increased markets for their resources and Turkey becomes more interested in securing access to oil and gas in the middle east. This could explain the “hook” that draws Gog into this conflict.

While attentions are focused elsewhere, watch for either Turkey, Syria (Iran’s puppets) or Iran proper to move against Israel and fulfill Ezekiel 38/39. The stage is set! …. it is only a matter of time, whether now or very soon is all that remains to be seen.

I would reiterate here; Even though I don’t believe Russia will produce Ezekiel’s “Gog” or the “Antichrist” of John’s Revelation of the the New Testament. I do believe that Russia will be a member or associated and supportive of the federation that forms under these two infamous leaders. Putin in no way fulfills the characteristics we have been given of these two men. So, stay tuned ….

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