by Randall E. Pickens, Sr.
I chose to re-post this article from 2020 a time of our first encounter with the COVID-19 pandemic. We are currently being told that we can expect a reemergence of this virus! We have been down this road before and the only true consensus is that we have been lied to and manipulated throughout this man made pandemic. I noticed my original post was only viewed by a handful of people, I suspect my post was getting shadow banned. I will monitor this post closely and hopefully this time more will get to see it…
In a previous article I told you, “I didn’t think this pandemic (COVID-19) was a judgment of God”, however, I definitely believe it should be a wake-up call! We are called to be watchmen, this implies we will see signs of the impending close of the Church Age and what Jesus called the “beginning of sorrows” which then leads to what is called the “tribulation period” and just the “END“. Now don’t confuse these terms; they refer to three distinct times and associated events. The signs are described in Matt 24 and the book of Rev. So many novice Christians confuse the events of these time frames. The most confusion seems to comes with the advent of the man “antichrist” and the “mark of the beast” which he will implement during the tribulation period. In fact, we are told that the antichrist man can not be revealed until the close of the church age proceeding the beginning of sorrows”. So then, the “mark of the Beast” is not implemented until after the Church Age ends. So, the signs we are seeing, are leading up to a time that as Christians you should understand we will “not” experience.
So, with that in mind, I would offer you these few thoughts. Let’s hypothesize for a moment: we have witnessed several phenomena associated with this pandemic and how it’s being handled that are very concerning. Actually these characteristics may answer a question I have pondered for years. How is the antichrist/beast going to get the masses to fall in line with his domineering processes, especially when most are either watching or at least have heard of such characteristics being associated with the “mark of the beast” system?
We are told the “mark of the beast” will be required in order to buy or sell! In other words you have to have permission! Sound familiar? This is a well known characteristic of the end times, even to the naysayers. It seems like the Beast would be confronted with considerable resistance even from the naysayer’s … just saying.
Another characteristic of the end times is people turning on each other; becoming informants, and spying on each other. Also, implementing draconian laws stripping us of our civil liberties and enforcing conformity or serving harsh penalties for rebelling. Manipulating economies and services that give government absolute control over the masses, like healthcare and food stores. A phrase I have heard often coming from crisis managers, promoting the thought that, “WE WILL NEVER RETURN TO NORMAL”! Really? Says who? And tell me again; WHY!
I have to point out the obvious; just because a pandemic kills thousands why should we be expected to capitulate and surrender the freedoms and liberties of millions? Really! I FOR ONE AM NOT GOING TO SURRENDER TO THIS FOOLISHNESS. I do not want my children or grandchildren to surrender to such foolishness. I would gladly part this life to see them remain FREE. However, even though I may be willing to die for our freedoms; I am also willing to “live and RESIST” for each other. So don’t bank on me laying down anytime soon!
There is a reason we were called to be watchman; we can not let this happen on our WATCH! We are called to be “restrainers“. Bill Gates can find another hobby instead of devising ways to implement implants and tracking software. We should be tracking him and his endeavors to assure he and other “bored billionaires” don’t infringe on our liberties.
In summary, we can see clearly just how easy it will be to implement these Beast systems. Fear and intimidation are powerful tools in the hands of the unscrupulous.
So even if you might be a naysayer; BEWARE! It actually “kinda” feels like we are already being primed for these antichrist systems! So, John’s Revelation prophecy is very plausible even to the skeptic! So, maybe you should consider other prophecies that tell of a savior that came to redeem YOU from these evil systems. His name is Jesus; you’ll hear a lot about him here in this blog. SELAH!
John 3:16-18 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
AND THEN YOU CAN… Luk_21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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