By Randall E. Pickens, Sr.
It is no coincidence that the name Chernobyl is synonymous with “WORMWOOD”. The Ukraine memorial complex depicts the “third angel of Rev. 8” shadowing this memorial to the victims of the worst nuclear accident in history. The Rev 8 event calls attention to the the fallen star called “Wormwood”. The third angel blows the third trump announcing the beginning of this event. The Ukrainian people already know the results of nuclear fall out and now are being threaten again by this poisonous potential by Russia. Russia has targeted nuclear plants across the Ukraine knowing that this action could threaten Ukraine and Europeans with nuclear fall out and poisoned ground water. Putin would have you believe he is invading Ukraine to free Russians from Ukraine yet he is willing to kill his cousins along with all others in the path of this fall out. So compassionate, Vladimir!
This is more than irresponsible; this is criminal! This is precisely why you don’t want nations like Iran to obtain nuclear weapons! Yet Russia is negotiating on behalf of Iran to become a threat to Israel unless someone intervenes! I for one believe Israel when they say they will not allow this to happen unless God intervenes first.
Now Russian officials have warned that due to the economic sanctions imposed on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine, the maintenance of the space station could be damaged and it could crash to Earth. This is another example of irresponsible threats by an unhinged tyrant and I have no doubt he would make good on the threat.
I am reminded of a phrase made famous in a Fram Oil Filter advertisement, “pay me now or pay me later” I hate that our leadership keeps putting us in harms way but I seriously doubt we will be able to avoid the coming WWIII. Putin smells the weakness of Biden and his administration. He also knows that if he waits until we can legally remove Biden and friends then he will miss the best opportunity for his expansion since President Reagan’s peace through strength policy.
I still don’t feel we are in the tribulation period! I am a “rapture” believer. I do believe that these are signs of the times approaching as Jesus forewarned in Matt 24. Russia will no doubt have its place in the end time events but right now it is participating in the events of the “beginning of sorrows”.
I have no doubt some are feeling as though they are already in the tribulation period. If you are a Ukrainian you must be convinced it has begun. Listening to the questions raised by many so called Christians reveal the failure of the universal church to prepare its members for these perilous times. I am shocked at the ignorance of most Christians. I don’t mean the diverse positions of pre, mid, or post tribulation debate but just basic principles of sound doctrine. No doubt why fear reigns in their hearts. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Now here is the solution to ignorance and fear! 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Selah!
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