By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.
Of course we should. What wonderful teaching moments these feasts are for us and our children. Memorials to the past, present, and future. The feast were “commanded” and expected to be kept “forever” or in perpetuity. If they are commandments then that should end the debate. I can’t imagine a Christian debating the 10 Commandments. If so then they are in fact what is wrong with the Church and society today! Jesus told us that He was the fulfillment of the law but this didn’t mean we could dispense with these laws! Matt 5:17 tells us he fulfilled all the Law and did not “destroy” G2647 or put a halt to the Law. We really need to be careful not to pick and choose the commandments we will regard.
As Christians you may experience some criticism or debate regarding the merit in celebrating the Feast Days! I find this really strange! Do these critics not know that Jesus kept the feast but more importantly that He fulfilled ALL these feasts! We also see proof that the Apostles kept these feast even after the crucifixion and after the ascension of Christ . When the feast were established they were said to be in perpetuity! Last I heard, perpetuity meant “FOREVER”. I don’t see any proof that this expectation was relieved. In fact, I think the feast have become even more important because they reveal Gods relationship with us throughout the ages and set our expectations for the future. These feast commemorate our history and our future. I believe we should continue to celebrate His fulfillment’s!
- Jesus is our Passover Lamb
- Jesus is our Unleavened Bread
- Jesus is the First Fruit
- Jesus is the Pentecost Spirit
- Jesus will return with the blast of the Last Trump
- Jesus is the Atonement
- Jesus is the Tabernacle
Don’t misunderstand my message here; I do not advocate for the traditional Jewish observances according to the Talmud. But I do believe we should celibate the history and our future revealed in them.
We believers should search our lives daily to make sure we are right with God. If we are born again, our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and we have nothing to fear. This is a great time to be a witness while waiting for the Lords return. We should be excited about any and all opportunities to reveal the blessings of God to all men through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. I hope you will rejoice in all that Jesus has accomplished for you. I pray you will enjoy the feast this year and use these memorial moments to reveal God’s love for all. Selah!
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