By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

I considered three potential titles for this article, The Sodom and Gomorrah Syndrome, The LGBTQ+ Alphabet Crisis, or The Broken WOKE.  I settled on, The Sodom and Gomorrah Syndrome since I am approaching this topic from a moral consideration and “ONLY” God gets to judge morality.  However, whatever you would prefer to call it; our society is “insanely” wicked and acting out as though there is no accountability for their sinful behavior!  History proves otherwise!

Can you smell the Brimstone?

The Hebrew name “Sodom, h5467 means scorched” and Gomorrah, h6017 means ruined heap.  The term Sodomy came from the historic judgement of God on the city-states of Sodom and Gomorrah for their flagrant participation in unnatural and immoral sex. 

We see that Abraham tried to intercede on behalf of his nephew Lot but the inhabitants were so flagrant and proud of their deviant behavior there was no saving them from the judgment to come.  This flagrant attitude we see is the final straw that will break the camel’s back!  When we see a society publicly embracing sin and proudly promoting their sinful behavior this flagrancy is responsible for the judgment to come.

The in your face attitude they call “PRIDE” is the flagrant act that called down the fiery judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Now let me make myself perfectly clear, I would expect the sinners to be wicked but I don’t expect the righteous to embrace their egregious behaviors to be acceptable.

Now, be careful, this is where the unrighteous will try to change the subject and shame you for intolerance.  This is where many will try to challenge your use of the word righteous.  They would say, “I dare you to claim to be righteous” and you all know this is not at all the point but rather Jesus is our righteousness.  He is without sin and is the remedy for our sin.  So, don’t let them change the subject!  Jesus has redeemed us from the sinful behaviors we are discussing.  He has called us out of darkness into the light!      

The universal church has failed in its responsibility to shine light on the darkness of a sin ridden society.  Behavioral acts that are clearly “abominations” to God must be exposed!  The church that capitulates is surrendering to EVIL and therefore become complicit!  The church should be compassionate yet unyielding in the call to REPENT and be freed from these sinful behaviors.     

This can no longer be swept aside or silenced.  We must say NO!  EVIL is coming for your children; we must stand DEFIANT! 


You should understand why your children are being targeted!  These insane DEVIANTS and their perverted behaviors are not capable of “procreation”.  Therefore, they must recruit and brainwash NEW deviants to promote this behavior and increase their field of selection; YOUR CHILDREN!

We must stand against the erosion of good and acceptable behavior as defined by God.  WE MUST PROTECT THE INNOCENCE OF OUR CHILDREN FROM THE PERVERTED IDEOLOGY OF THE “WOKE”!

I published an article earlier that explains the fundamentals of our beliefs about what is good and acceptable behavior in Gods eye.  See for more detail.

We have witnessed the loss of moral authority of the United States in the world at large.  This change is due to the erosion of the Godly principles we once embraced.  The attempt to disassociate with God.  The 10 commandments removed from our children’s view to be replaced with a perverted social WOKE agenda.  How disgusting!  I assure you God’s judgment is righteous and sure!  We are at the point of Abrams intercession for his nephew Lot but when it becomes clear that the society is PROUD of its sinful behavior then God will remove the righteous few and judgement will come on the PROUD! 

We must speak out and refuse to endorse these attempts to erode Gods principles in our society.  The time is near….        Pro 16:18  Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 

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