By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

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Over the years I have been asked often; is there any specific reference to the U.S. in bible prophecy?   For the most part I answer, sure!  However, I qualified this response with, “but not specific.  Now before I lose you right off the bat, let me explain. The key word that qualifies my response is “specific”.  All biblical prophecy is at least a couple of thousand years old so any references to current day nations would only be those that would have been known to the prophets or as a metaphoric reference.  So, of course we can see reference to the U.S. in prophecy if for no other reason than because the U.S. is currently a major nation in the league of nations and would at least be included in any reference to the “world” in general or metaphor.      

This would be a good place in this discussion to establish a key principle I follow when reviewing biblical prophecy; prophecy must be viewed from Israel’s perspective.  So, with this in mind let’s look at a possible metaphoric reference to the U.S. in prophecy!

I have previously taught on what I term as “Ezekiel’s War”.  Eze 38/39 reveal a war that precedes John’s revelation of the last battle of Armageddon by at least 7 years.  Ezekiel reveals the motive of God’s intervention being an opportunity for the world to recognize the GOD of Israel and His relationship to the world at large. This revelation then leads to the building of what most refer to as the 3rd Temple as described in Ezekiel chapter 40.

This article will look at the verse Eze 38:13 that address the “observers” of this conflict. Note they are not numbered in the initial list of participants but are here seen questioning their motives. I will discuss why I see Tarshish and the Young Lions as possible references to Britain and the U.S. If correct, then it would imply the two major allies of Israel in our time at this point have chosen to set this one out. This would be very plausible seeing how both have waned in their support of Israel in recent times.  In fact antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world today and would be expected to be the case leading up to these prophetic events.

There are two major opinions as to the identity of Tarshish. Spain and Britain are favorites of most theologians. References made by Isaiah and David further qualify these references with the word “Isles”. Ezekiel further qualifies with the association with “young lions”. All references associate with “ships” thus a describing them as maritime powers. Another characteristic is the references to “merchants”.  Both being seen as wealthy commercial powers.

Based on these clues, I am prone to consider Britain. It’s known that Britain was the primary source of tin in antiquity; an important component for the bronze age weaponry. Britain is an Isle Empire and had many “young lions” or colonies most notably the U.S. The term Britannia has its origin from the Phoenician’s meaning (source of tin). Britain and the U.S. have long been the primary allies to Israel and in recent years have waned in their support of Israel and lobbied for a two-state solution which is in direct opposition to God’s promise to Abraham. This alone puts both the Brits and U.S. in a dangerous position. Even though they may not be participants in Ezekiel’s War their lack of recognition of Israel’s complete control of the promised land will put them at odds with God. The mere fact that their support of Israel has waned lends to the atmosphere for the opportunistic “KING OF THE NORTH” or more specifically, Gog of Magog to move against Israel.

I have posted verse by verse commentary of Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. please check them out for some exciting revelations.

Ezekiel 38 Commentary CLICK HERE Ezekiel 39 Commentary CLICK HERE


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