Six of Turkey’s largest cities gave Erdogan’s AK Party the BOOT! Not really a surprise to most! When your economy experiences 50% interest rates and inflation rates north of 100% you know something must change, even in a draconian society like Turkey, the oppressed will begin to push back! We see this happening throughout the world. Leaders like Erdogan, Putin, Xi, etc. are loosing their grip on those they have oppressed for years.
The question is; will these oppressive leaders double done on the current resistance or show some flexibility? I for one would not look for much capitulation from these power hungry leaders. I would rather expect to see even more resistance to the corruption and then a sudden and harsh reaction! These draconian leaders don’t often change their colors! Stay tuned!!!!
Views: 395
Erdogan is openly supporting Hamas and Hezbollah! Erdogan is an enemy of Israel and the US. I question whether Turkey should be allowed in NATO. Show me a NATO nation that hasn’t paid a price for Islamic hatred for the West in general. Gog is rising….. in my opinion