By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

This post is in response to a question raised regarding, who might be among the nations of Ezekiel’s Gog Federation?

First, we must recognize that Gog is a man of a place called, Magog and a Prince of a region called Meshech and Tubal associated with Magog.  Now looking to the Table of Nations in Gen. 10 we can see that four of these are listed as Noah’s descendants mentioned in Eze. 38-39:

For a detail commentary of Eze. 38 CLICK HERE

For a detail commentary of Eze. 39 CLICK HERE

Magog – Ancient descendants of Noah and Post USSR enclaves:

Meshech -Turkey

Tubal – Turkey

Gomer – Europe

Togarmah – Turkey

Current to Ezekiel’s Time (Eze. 38-39):

Persia – Iran

Ethiopia – Sudan


Non-Participant Nations:

Sheba – Ethiopia

Dedan – Saudi Arabia

Tarshish – Britain

Young Lions – Colonies of Britain


It is interesting to note that Ezekiel’s references to (Gog) and his federation is comprised of regions from antiquity as well as current geopolitical nations of his time. Ezekiel’s specific (veiled) references to the northern Kingdoms associated with Gog are names associated with regions settled by the descendants of Noah’s son Japheth some 1600 years prior to the time of Ezekiel’s prophecy which I find very interesting. These would not be names that I would expected to be used in common conversations of the day.

Noah’s son Japheth’s descendants some 1600 years prior to the time of Ezekiel’s prophecy

In contrast, the federation included references to current day geopolitical Kingdoms specific to Ezekiel’s time. Ezekiel’s veiled reference to Gog is consistent with 2 TH. 2: 3-9 and Dan. 12:4 where we are told Satan’s end time participants will not be revealed until “his time”.

This brings me to the conclusion that the King of the North or Gog as well as the Anti-Christ and Beast/Prophet identities are intentionally veiled. We can “speculate” and so many do but the truth is they are not to be revealed until after the close of the Church Age. This supports the point that the vast majority of the prophecies of Daniels 70th week were meant for a “post” Church Age. Now you may ask, why then are we so interested in the specifics of these characters and associated nations? The best answer is “curiosity”. Now don’t mistake my meaning; I believe we are clearly called to be watchers and the purpose of a watcher is to “warn” of impending judgements to come. However, our use of prophecy is to establish our faith and convince an unknowing world of the need to repent and seek the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Only through Jesus can we hope to be counted worthy to “escape” the wrath to come. Luke 21:36, 1 TH. 5:9

Prophecy is a tool of evangelism. It builds our confidence (faith) and assures us that God is in control of all past and future events. God watches over His word to preform it. Jer. 1:12



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