By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.


I have seen a great deal of interest in this parable of late on Prophecy Blogs.  This parable has many conflicting interpretations. I will try to bring some clarity to this parable while remaining respectful of the diversity.

I will begin by stating that as brothers and sisters in Christ we of all people should know that we were admonished to be civil with each other.

2Ti 2:14  Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. 

2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 

That being said, in Oklahoma vernacular consider this; be civil and if necessary, agree to disagree but don’t be disagreeable! We are after all going to be living together, no matter what exit you took to get home!  (Pre-trib, Mid-trib, or Post-trib) So, let’s jump into the discussion.


Let me start this discussion by pointing out that there were no chapter and verse designations in ancient text.  We must pay attention to the context of words to identify where there needs to be a note to indicate the statement is a continuation of or an association with an earlier thought.  This is very important, if we are to understand the proper context of this statement. 

Case in point, 25:1 of Matthew begins with the word “THEN”.  This is an important indication that the following discourse is a continuation or summation of a previous discussion.  In this case the previous discussion is Matthew 24 and specifically the threefold questions of the apostles; (1) when shall these things be, (2) what shall be the sign of thy coming, (3) and of the end of world?

This sets the criteria for our analysis of Matt 25.  The question we must ask ourselves is, did Jesus answer these three questions and if so, did he reveal any additional details or extraneous information? 

I’ll give you a clue to watch for in my analysis; I am convinced that Matt 25 is an example of “over analysis” where extraneous information has been used improperly resulting in confusion and clouding an otherwise simple translation.  So, you have been warned. 😊       

Let’s begin our analysis, Matt 24:3 is where the questions were first registered and the discourse continues through Matt 25:13. These 48 verses belong to what we refer to as the Olivet Discourse.  We call this parable, The Parable of the 5 WISE and 5 FOOLISH VIRGINS.  The key point being, this parable is a continuation of Jesus response to the disciples’ private questions regarding the end times characteristics.  We cannot then attempt to understand this parable as a standalone subject but must allow the context to guide our analysis.

Now, with this said we can examine the opening word in verse 1, THEN!  We see that this word ties this parable to the second question which was “what shall be the sign of thy coming?(2nd Coming NOT Rapture). Now in keeping with this being presented as a parable, because Jesus tells us it is “likened to” the bridegroom coming to bid the “virgins” to the marriage supper at the Fathers house. So, He tells us this event has similarities too but is not necessarily exact in detail. Now it also needs to be established here that this call came at the MIDNIGHT watch; not the BETROTHAL.  The bride has already entered into the marriage contract at this point by accepting the bridegroom’s contract at the betrothal not at the call to the banquet.  So, the bride’s price has already been paid at the point of betrothal!  The marriage supper is then to take place after preparations for the dwelling place is completed at the Fathers house.  The marriage is then consummated in heaven.  At this point I believe we can see just how the pre-tribulation saints and the tribulation saints are considered equally the Bride of Christ, for they “both” must accept the bridegroom’s betrothal contract and the bride’s price has already been paid so all that is left to do is celebrate and consummate the marriage.

Now for the analysis of the ten virgins and the characterization of wise vs foolish.  First, we must consider that the ten virgins had something in common.  The number ten in the Hebrew culture and writings denote completeness, legal or proper.  This implies that all ten had a legal relationship with the Bridegroom but would have to remain faithful or pure for that to be beneficial to them.  The number 5 symbolizes the idea of saving, to be saved, or to be rescued. Starting with the middle letter ( Mem , מ ), which represents the world. It is God that saves or rescues them from the world as they repent, follow, and keep His commandments. Rom 11:23  And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. We know that the Jewish people must recognize Jesus as the Messiah.  To reject Jesus would certainly be FOOLISH, and the ultimate act of disobedience. Acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah is required and results in the fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation of the Jews.  This is how the Jew and the Gentile can finally be reconciled equally as the Bride.  This is how the Jew and the Gentile are both connected to the same olive tree.  This is how we see a unique resurrection event, the one at the rapture and the other that results in the tribulation saints from the Midnight watch of the tribulation period (3 1/2 years into the tribulation). Rev 6 and 7 reveal the presence of the tribulation saints (Jews and Gentiles) that refuse to take the mark of the Beast; they are found in heaven after their martyrdom .  This then completes the salvation of the Jew and then the beginning of the “great tribulation”.  The Jew and the Gentile saints will then accompany Jesus at the 2nd coming and the finale of the Battle of Armageddon.

Makes sense to me…


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