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Sing this and start your own REVIVAL!

Alive Alive Alive Forevermore
My Jesus Is Alive
Alive Forevermore
Alive Alive Alive Forevermore
My Jesus Is Alive [2]

Sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah
My Jesus Is Alive Forevermore
Sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah
My Jesus Is Alive

Alive Alive Alive Forevermore
My Jesus Is Alive
Alive Forevermore
Alive Alive Alive Forevermore
My Jesus Is Alive

Sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah
My Jesus Is Alive Forevermore
Sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah
My Jesus Is Alive

Alive Alive Alive Forevermore
My Jesus Is Alive
Alive Forevermore
Alive Alive Alive Forevermore
My Jesus Is Alive.

Start your own Revival!

Heard about the Asbury Revival? Well start your own!!!! Start singing this chorus and watch what happens! He is a live!

It is amazing to me how many have questioned the reality of the Asbury Revival. Why are they so quick to pour cold water on a move of God? I welcome the news of such revivals and would encourage fellow believers around the world to pray for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit all across the world! Time is truly running out.

The only cure for the “BROKE WOKE” is the Grace and Mercy of God! Jesus can heal the “BROKE”!


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