By: Randall E. Pickens, Sr.
No country on the face of the earth today should be expected to redraw it’s boundaries to that of over thousands of years ago or relinquish it’s right to sovereignty!
Except Israel! Right…?
Consider this, all nations today exist due to some militant expansionist of the past. Take the USA for an example! Should the US give up all claims to the various states and their Republic based on their origin from the results of militant aggression of the past. Which of you would be first to give up your land or claim to existence to the Native Americans who we destroyed and deceived so consistently?
Where does it stop? Should the Russians, Turks, Persians, etc. be allowed to reclaim their ancient boundaries as revealed by the prophet Daniel? NO! However, we see them attempting to do this before our very eyes. Where will it end? The answer, IT WON”T!
Eventually, we have to stop moving the boundaries of history.
Which of you would not expect retaliation if your neighbor shot over hundreds and thousands of missiles at you based on an ancient hatred and claim to questionable ancient tribal boundaries? Shall the US concede Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to the Mexican’s? Every nation that exists today was once part of or born out of an aggressive expansion of another. History is the proof of the aggressive characteristic of mankind!
Should your government allow militants to attack it’s citizens? Would you expect your government to protect your family from terrorist! Wouldn’t you expect a public outrage if your government or the United Nations told you to stand down and allow terrorist to kill your family? All of the members of the United Nations have evolved from aggressive acts of the past. Do you think they would give up claim to their existence? Of course NOT! They are all HYPOCRITES! You know that “SELF DEFENSE” is clearly a rational expectation ! Self defense is a basic human RIGHT! The sole purpose for the existence of a government is to protect it’s citizens! If they don’t, they have no right to exist!
This aggressive characteristic or nature of mankind is the source of the prophecy of “wars and rumors” of war. We know that peace will never really exist in this wicked world until the wicked are finally judged and removed. When we pray for peace, intrinsically we know there will never truly be peace until God reclaims HIS dominion of the world!
Jesus is the only true sovereign; KING OF KINGS!
All others are frauds and impostures!
Are you ready for the return of our true KING OF KINGS?
Then repent and accept Jesus as your savior. Paul tells us how to secure our salvation from the judgment to come… this article “Romans Road” shows the way… Selah!
Views: 236
Thanks for the encouragement…
Fabulous! Eloquent and biblical, as always.