by Randall E. Pickens, Sr.

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They say folks like horse racing;
Because there’s several ways to win.
You can WIN, PLACE and SHOW;
But when you gamble with life;
You’ll pay a dear price;
If you’re counting on less than to WIN.

You see it’s all or nothing;
There will be no second place.
You run this race to WIN.
There will be no prize for placing;
No prize for a show.
My friend, there’s only one way to go;

He’s the TRUTH the LIFE and the WAY.
No one comes but by Jesus name.
Well the gate is wide open;
And the race has begun;
You better run, you better run this race to WIN.

Yeah, folks are looking for an easy way to win;
One requiring little effort, a sure thing.
But because they choose to play the odds;
They’re going to lose out on the LOVE of GOD.
You can’t WIN without giving HIM your ALL…

You see it’s all or nothing;
There will be no second place.
You run this race to WIN.
There will be no prize for placing;
No prize for a show.
My friend, there’s only one way to go;

He’s the TRUTH the LIFE and the WAY.
No one comes but by Jesus name.
Well the gate is wide open;
And the race has begun;
You better run, you better run this race to WIN.

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